Obijime is a string which tight on the middle of Obi.
We use Obijime to adjust and accessorize Kimono.
Obijime is in the middle of Kimono, so it’s kinda like a belt.
Basically, an Obijime and an Obiage make one combination.
Today, I’ll introduce more details about Obijime.
What is Obijime?
Obijime uses after we tight Obi and Obiage.
So that means Obiage is the last part of wearing.
If you didn’t tighten up, Obi become loose.
Obijime has a role to accessorize Kimono, so we need to choose more carefully like the weaved patterns, colors, and materials.
How To Style Obiage – Accessorizing Your Kimono – Rules And Tips
We use Obiage when we tight Obi around the waist with rolling Obimakura. Obiage is rolled between Ki …
The History of Obijime
Most of Obijime is made of the “Kumihimo” technique.
Now Kumihimo is popular in Japan, but “Marukuge”(which is cylindrical cloth) was much more popular.
Kumihimo has a long ancient history which was introduced from China in the Nara period.
In the Heian and Kamakura period, aristocracy and samurai family used beautiful Kumihimo.
For the strings of the crown, Japanese armor, and sword.
After the party became popular, people started to use for the cover of the tea-things.
In the Edo period, ordinary people started to use in daily necessities.
In the Meiji period, sword prohibition was issued, and people started to use on the Kimono.
Variety of Obijime
There are two types of Obijime which are Kumihimo and Marukuge.
Kumihimo is classified in “Marugumi”, “Hiragumi”, and “Kadogumi”.
“Hirakumihimo” which is flat braided cords known as “Kouraigumi”, “Ayatakekumi”, “Sasanamigumi”, and “Karagumi”.
Roundly braided cords are called “Yotsugumi”, “Yatsugumi”, and “Edogumi”.
Square braided cords are “Yurugigumi” and it’s very popular.
“Marukuge” used to put on many scenes but these days people started to use daily life.
Marukuge which has embroidery patterns are mainly coordinate with Furisode.
There is “Sanbuhimo” which means narrow width.
That Obiijme is made small to use Obidome.
It usually coordinated with Tsumugi Kimono and casual cotton Kimono.
“Gotouhimo” and “Doumyou” are certificated as traditional crafts.
These are beautifully made by craftsmen.
Machine made “Kumihimo” and “Marukuge”are popular too.
Silk is difficult to untie and chemical fiber is easy to wash.
Seasonal Obijime
Obijime can use all year around.
There is also summer type lace Obijme and it’ s transparent.
TPO of Obijime
Obijime has formal and casual types.
Formal Obijime
Mainly use Kumihimo which has gold and silver yarns for the formal scene.
For the semi-formal scene, it’s made of white and light colored yarns.
The more Obijime is wide, the more it becomes a formal type.
Casual Type Obijime
Basically, narrow width Obijime becomes more daily use.
Light colored Obijime is standard and it never gets in the way of coordinate.
Deep color Obijime adds accent for Kimono.
If you wear solid color Kimono, it’s better to use Obijime with beautiful patterns.
Obijime changes Kimono’s coordinate entirely.
It’s fun to choose and necessary to put on. Why don’t you get one?