Fukuro means bags, so it is weaved like a tube-shaped bag.
Obi is a key for back appearance. Obi’s patterns change the way to look.
The length is longer than Nagoya Obi.
We can wear Fukuro Obi with casual and formal kimono.
Today, Fukuro obi is the most popular and there is a special Nisijin brand obi.
Now, we’ll show you some tips for you!
What is Fukuro Obi?
When we tie Fukuro obi double, it is mainly for formal use.
Double means pile up happiness.
Fukuro obi which is made of gold and silver yarns are mainly used for formal scene.
Fashionable Fukuro obi is weaved by colorful yarns and cloth.
We wear formal Fukuro obi with Furisode, Tomesode and Houmongi.
There are lots of way to wear more decorative for Furisode.
Fashionable Fukuro obi coordinate with Tsumugi, Tsukesage and Iromuji.
The History of Fukuro Obi
Before Fukuro obi is born, Maru obi was mainstream.
But Maru obi was so heavy, so Fukuro obi was made during Meiji era.
Then Fukuro obi is used for formal thing instead of Maru obi.
Now, Maru obi became the most luxury obi.
Fukuro Obi’s shape and patterns
Basically, the width of Fukuro obi is about 31cm and the length is more than 420cm.
The tailoring of Fukuro obi
These days, both ends of cloth is weaved like a bag.
It is hard to see, but there are Nuibukuro type and Honbukuro type.
It doesn’t change that much, but Honbukuro type is known as high-grade.
But the mainstream is a Nuibukuro type.
The cloth and patterns
Fukuro obi is just like Maru Obi and there are Karaori, Itonishiki, Donsu and Kinran.
Patterns all over obi is called Zentsu.
Obi which has almost 60 percent of patterns is called Rokutsu.
Patterns which is weaved Otaiko and front part is called Taiko Gara.
Fukuro Obi with Kimono
Gold, silver and white yarns are used for formal type.
Gorgeous Karaori, Tudure and Nishiki ori are made of gold and silver yarns which coordinate with Tomesode.
Traditional patterns like syousouin, yusoku and lucky omen are famous.
A tip for Fukuro obi is coordinate with similar color of Furisode.
Traditional patterns and lucky omens are so popular.
These days, big patterns is getting mainstream.
Other types of Kimono
Fukuro obi is worn with Houmongi, Tsukesage and Iromuji.
It changes by TPO, so let’s enjoy more!!
Fashionable Fukuro obi is worn with Oshima tsumugi and Yuki tsumugi.
If it doesn’t have gold and silver yarns, we can use for casual scene.
Fashionable Fukuro obi like Kyoubukuro is shorter than Fukuro obi.
Fukuro obi has a lot of types and easy to wear!
If you interested in it, let’s have at least 3 types of obi. Then you’ll be able to enjoy fully.